Hello Brands & Businesses!
Mass Customisation for Organisations of All Shapes & Sizes
- HP Smartstream Mosaic
- High-Quality Digital Print
- Quick Route to Market
- Additional Personalisation
- Premium Finishing
- Fast Turnaround
- Free AUZ Delivery

What is HP Mosaic?
HP Mosaic is personalization software based on the HP Smartstream Designer. Simply put, the software automatically generates a potentially unlimited number of unique graphic label designs based on a fixed base pattern. This basic pattern is the central element of the process. HP Mosaic technology uses an algorithm to create designs based on this pattern.
How does HP Mosaic Work?
The central element of HP Mosaic is the basic pattern. A master file and a vector graphic (the pattern) are merged. The graphic is then varied by rotation, scaling or color change to always new patterns. The user can also give the algorithm commands which colors should be retained or exchanged. Unique variations are created and each label becomes unique. In order to achieve the best results, the base file should be as complex and colorful as possible. The more complex the basic pattern, the better and more individual the results. And: higher runs require a more complex pattern so that as many different variations as possible can be created.
More personal & individual thanks to HP Mosaic
Not so long ago, a printed label was just a means of communicating basic information such as the product name or the legally required product information. Today, labels and packaging are key elements of the marketing mix. With individually printed and personalized labels, it is possible to increase the viewer’s attention and establish a direct, emotional connection to him. Products can become part of storytelling through the addition of images, messages and variable designs and thus become firmly anchored in the minds of consumers. With HP Mosaic, marketing becomes more individual and personal, and therefore also more important for the customer. HP Mosaic makes it possible to experiment with personalised marketing campaigns and thus communicate innovations creatively.
[Source: Henkel AG, Düsseldorf; www.henkel.de/presse-und-medien]
More and more brands and manufacturers are focusing on mass individualisation, including CocaCola with the Diet Coke campaign in Israel or, as can be seen in the picture, Pril and his colourful washing-up liquid bottles with the classic Pril flower (note: this campaign was not printed at prime labels.com.au). Nutella also gave its action glasses unique designs in the Nutella Unique campaign. Another example: In collaboration with Heineken, the artist Emily Forgot created unique designs for the beer bottles with the help of HP Mosaic 2000. You see: The possibilities of using HP Mosaic to design the most varied and individual packaging are almost endless.
Mass customization thanks to digital printing
But this mass individualisation is not only feasible for the “larger” brands. Thanks to digital printing technology, small, flexible print runs with individual and completely variable designs are also possible. The finished labels are produced from a print file within just a few hours – an effective process that is only possible in digital printing because setup times are no longer necessary, as was the case with conventional printing processes. Thanks to digital printing, this mass customization and personalization of labels can be realized by almost every brand owner.
What are the Next Steps?
Have you been inspired by the possibilities of HP Mosaic Technology? We’d be very interested to chat though your next campaign and discuss how HP Mosaic can be utilised. Call us on 1800 954 777 send an email to info@primelabels.com.au
Good to Know:
Virtual elements are added to the real world. Reality remains the same, but is extended. Especially in label printing, the use of this technology offers great possibilities in the design of your labels. Bring your product to life and take consumers on a journey to another world.
Personalised labels have long been an effective marketing tool. They make it possible to address customers directly and personally and thus convince them to buy. With primelabels.com.au you have various options for personalising your labels: from simple barcodes to numbering and QR codes to individual names. The possibilities here are enormous.
Ordering from primelabels.com.au is very easy. A few steps to your individual and high-quality custom labels; view our order process here.